Faroese Government introduces sanctions in response to Russia’s illegal attack on Ukraine

Further to the Parliament of the Faroe Islands passing a bill authorising sanctions against Russia and Belarus, the Minister of Foreign Affairs has issued an executive order implementing restrictive measures.
Faroese sanctions largely follow and resemble those of the EU and like-minded partners.
Access to ports
With the entry into force of the restrictive measures, vessels registered under the Russian flag will not be provided access to Faroese ports after 5 July 2022. The ban applies to all Russian flagged vessels, as well as vessels that have changed their Russian flag or their registration, to the flag or register of any other State after 24 February 2022.
Ships of 500 gross tonnage and beyond sailing commercially in international shipping, yachts and recreational craft or personal watercraft fall within the scope of the port ban.
The legal framework still allows the Faroe Islands to maintain cooperation with Russia on the bilateral fisheries cooperation and management of fish stocks between the Faroe Islands and Russia.
Fishing vessels registered under the Russian flag will therefore continue to have access to Faroese ports, provided that no other sanctions prohibiting this apply.
Violation of the restrictive measures is a criminal offence.
For inquiries about the restrictive measures, please contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Culture at ummr@ummr.fo.