North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization (NASCO)
NASCO is a regional body for international cooperation on conservation, restoration, enhancement and rational management of migratory salmon stocks in the North Atlantic.
NASCO aims to protect the wild Atlantic salmon stocks in the North Atlantic through a range of measures, including limiting directed commercial fisheries for salmon at sea. For nearly 30 years, the Faroe Islands have chosen not to issue quotas for salmon fisheries, as the stocks have not recovered to a level that would provide for a viable and sustainable at-sea fishery. The Faroe Islands maintain their right to resume a directed fishery when conditions once again allow for this, while encouraging other NASCO members to take effective measures to help conserve salmon stocks in their estuaries and rivers by preventing by-catch and other negative impacts.
The Faroe Islands participate in NASCO together with Greenland in a joint delegation referred to as Denmark in respect of the Faroe Islands and Greenland (DFG).