Global Humanitarian Assistance

Each year the Faroese Government allocates a certain amount of funds to development assistance. The Ministry of Justice manages this area and grants the funds to organisations working to improve conditions in low income countries.

The main goal is sustainable development and to improve conditions and secure livelihoods beyond the duration of the individual projects. Strengthening Faroese development assistance is also a priority, and is done by funding projects that allow for active involvement by Faroese organisations, or other partners that can provide professional or technical expertise or assistance.

General priorities are set in accordance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 14.

The foundation of sustainable development is to provide the tools that can help people become self-sufficient, thus, highest priority is given to projects that focus on health, education and a sustainable supply of food. The Faroese are experts in sustainable fisheries and projects that utilise this expertise are also given priority.

Funding is restricted to projects or programmes that take place in countries that the OECD designates as low income countries. Funding will only be provided for one year at time, i.e. for projects stretching beyond 12 months a new application is needed for each succeeding year. The same project can be continously awarded for a maximum of three grants.

The full guidelines are available in the tab to the left.

There will be one round of applications in 2025. The grant call with the prioritised sectors for 2025 will be published on February 10th, 2025. The application deadline is March 31st, 2025.

Please send applications to

Please note that the Ministry of Justice will only consider new applications from previous recipients after receiving a satisfactory report or interim report for the previous projects funded by the Government of the Faroe Islands.

Funds for Global Humanitarian Assistance

The grant call for 2025 will be released on February 10th on this website. The deadline for the application round in 2025 is on March 31st. Please submit your application to